

It is so good to have you visit!  I hope my blog will be a source of help and encouragement to you as you journey along the path that the Lord is leading you on.

About Our Family
I have been abundantly blessed with a supportive, loving husband of 22 years; and five vivacious, energetic sons who have kept me on my toes as a mother and have brought me so much joy.  We enjoy the beautiful gently rolling hills of Minnesota surrounding our country home.  It's our little piece of heaven on earth.

About My Boys
For the sake of privacy and protection, I am not using the boys' real names on my blog.  

Our oldest son (Appleboy) is studying mechanical engineering in college.

Our second oldest (MusicMaker) graduated last year and is taking a year off to work and serve others before starting college next fall.  

Our third son (Artist) is at a Christian boarding academy for his last two years of high school where he is having a fantastic experience. 

So that leaves me with our last two sons at home.  
AnagramFan (our 8th grader) and Mr. Chef (our 5th grader) are my two wonderful students who fill my days with endless activity and are learning to be great helpers around the home.  

About Goodness & Mercy

The name Goodness & Mercy is taken from the wonderful promise found in Psalm 23:6, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Life is hard.  Raising a family can be trying.  Homeschooling is demanding.  It is easy to be overcome with the trials and problems that they bring, but God calls us to look to Him for strength, power, and victory in all things.  Do I have it "all together"?  No, not by a long shot.  I fail - all too often.  But He is working in me and changing me - sometimes inconceivably.  This blog is a reminder to be thankful in all things, trust in Him through it all, and abide in His love because He is so good to us and more than able to see us through and fill us with His goodness and mercy.